Which color to choose according to your complexion?

 Choisir un vêtement ou un ensemble de lingerie, c'est toute une aventure : il faut trouver la coupe qui convient à notre morphologie, avec le motif parfait et la couleur qui correspond à notre carnation. 

Mais justement, quelle couleur choisir en fonction de sa carnation ? Nous allons aujourd’hui vous aider dans cette quête.

Fair skin

If you have fair and pale skin, which does not tan easily, opt for so-called “cold” colors in blue or pink/purple tones, for example: light or navy blue, lilac, green or burgundy ( especially for brunettes). These colors illuminate and boost the lightest complexions . You can also choose more versatile colors like brown or khaki.

Tone-on-tone is not to be preferred. We therefore avoid light colors such as white, cream, pale yellow or gold, which will tend to dull your complexion.

In our lingerie wardrobe, we particularly recommend the Isis underwired set and the blue Sirius set . Their colors will enhance your skin, regardless of your hair color! On the ready-to-wear side, we recommend the Alya bodysuit with its pretty opening in the back and the Cassiopée set absolute comfort!

Matte skin

If you have tanned or even matte skin, you are spoiled for choice ! All the colors (or almost) match your skin tone perfectly. Try something crazy: opt for original prints or play with materials!

To further warm up your complexion, we advise you to favor warm tones such as ocher and other variations of orange-pink. You can also dare to use light colors, which, by contrast, will brighten your complexion.

Our lingerie selection just for you: the amber orange Luna set or the lychee red Tiaki set , both will perfectly highlight your complexion.

As for the wardrobe, we recommendthe pink Electra sweatshirt and the brown Céleste shirt with its vintage inspiration which makes it unique.

Black skins

If you have black skin, opt for maximum contrast ! Favor light and fresh shades such as cream, powder pink/lilac, and of course white, which will enhance your complexion in summer and winter. Also dare to use brighter colors like red, orange or even green, which will contrast perfectly with your skin. Wow effect guaranteed!

We are convinced that our Sirius latte and Jimmy orange kumkwat lingerie sets will fit you like a glove!

In our wardrobe, we recommend the Maïa jacket with its bottle green gingham pattern that we love so much at Nénés, and the soft and comfortable green Electra sweatshirt .

All skins

You will have understood, each skin tone is enhanced by several tones. But at Nénés, we are convinced that certain colors correspond to all skin types and all complexions.

For lingerie as well as ready-to-wear, we are committed to satisfying all our customers and offer several colors that adapt to each skin type: the timeless black, red and navy blue .

Whatever the color of your skin, our Imai set or our black Tiaki set remain safe values! For ready-to-wear, you can opt for the Léo set , which is both elegant and timeless, or for the navy blue Céleste shirt .

Nous espérons vous avoir aidé à connaître quelle couleur choisir en fonction de votre carnation. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'important est que vous vous sentiez bien dans ce que vous portez !

D'autres questions ou hésitations ? N'hésitez pas à passer essayer nos modèles dans nos showrooms à Paris et Marseille ou dans nos boutiques partenaires !